السبت، 7 يونيو 2014

awad abeida

Artist rather than an artist of his servants, the body of the city of Benghazi, Libya's heritage and caricature Libyan.And the transfer of our beautiful past and is interested in all the details and noted precision in the details.The earliest of his paintings to witness ... and monitor the high caliber of the time lived throughout the era of "Libya" with all the details ...Artist rather than artist Abeida from Benghazi born in the year 1923, and after the Substitution secondary in 1937 he studied art in Italy for a period of time. Established the first art gallery in a small shop Omar Mukhtar Street in Benghazi days of the British military administration in Cyrenaica in 1946. The artist instead of Abeida permanent exhibition is the closest to the museum called "House of Art and Heritage" shows the paintings that reflect and chronicle life in Benghazi since the thirties of the last century, and this shrine is located behind the Sports City and near the Bank of Trade and Development - Agency Equestrian Benghazi, and has consistently opened the show at night during the holy month of Ramadan for visitors. Plates instead of Abeid embodiment of an historic photo of the city of Benghazi, especially for the thirties and forties, and in spite of dengue, poverty and misery experienced by the city and its inhabitants because of years of war and colonialism that preceded them, you see a life pulse in his paintings to the public is missing now in our streets.Said about the late writer Khalifa Fakhiri:"What he wanted to say artist Awad Abeida in his paintings?He wanted to explain how it relates to emotional warm this society. Making the marriage ceremony .. Drawing craftsmen .. But what is the relationship stretched to children. And each had a game-season .. There are games of spring, and again in the summer. The artist's body instead of Abeida hopes of our children in a time of poverty. Was documented for the huge memory, love. "And said of him in favor of Ben Drdv newspaper News of Benghazi on Sunday, August 9, 2009:"It's knight, and of memory and ...His paintings vibrant and movement and honesty alone see him and tells the story and speaks and speaks for creative talent and being able to adapt his tools and his choice of themes inspired by the paintings of integrated pulses with vitality and movement of a record from which each character and the industries that had to live on the people, and record the growing season and harvest and seasons religious holidays in Zwayana Sufism and in retreats mosques also recorded with skill all the details of ours and our practices and joys drawn me with the reality of life and translated color and image and movement ... has contributed artist Awad Abeida his art in the culture improve the sense of taste ... "And in an interview with Dr. Muhammad Mufti Mohammed published in a book nostalgia colors narrated by Dr. Mohamed his biography in simple words, as follows:"I retired a child .. Toxic convergence .. I did not play with the children in the street .. Unlike my brother Hassan .. Was socially .. Perhaps because I did not find the time ..No, I do not like violence .. Not a strike and do not beat me .. View and do not bear even boxing on TV ..I studied Italian in school .. All in Italian .. Share and one in Arabic .. And was studied by Sheikh Sanusi precincts God have mercy .. And graduated from high school in 1937 .. We were seven or eight .. All gently .. Hassan and I Aghannay and M'Hamed Fitouri and Mohamed Bin Ali and Mohammed Sabri and Abdul Aziz bin Salim and Zaki Peugeot ..He was a secondary focus on the arts .. And studied the binding of books .. Ah drawing? I was drawing a lot, at home and it raises problems with the teachers . I draw on the walls in the street and the neighbors complain about me to my father. . Which invited my mother to write veils to keep me off the drawing .. And you received under a pillow sometimes .. Open them and watch the lines and sometimes the graphics .. " "The first serious training outside the quota drawing was by Mr. Verdi drawing teacher. I called us and four Italians to private lessons in his home. But he insists that to copy the paintings and drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci a private .. In 1938 I went to Italy and studied engineering drawing for six months. And I went several times after that, and studied Alanatomia - anatomy - and I visited the museums and churches, where the treasures of Italian art in the Renaissance. I visited the museums of the world from Japan to South America. Bramberant impressed, it was better to draw a fallow show him, and been influenced by the Spanish artist Goya. Not .. Did not work as an employee in the state at all .. Policy and did not work and you did not to any political organization.Who hates money .. My life in childhood was comfortable, and my family was affordable. My father did not work, the owner of property .. He gave the books .. But the placebo was always to be a painter .. I was the only crazy, it was art semi-defect at the time .. Measure the progress of peoples in the art ..After the war in 1946, conducted a shop of the Department of the enemy's property three pounds a month, Omar Mukhtar Street, opposite Post Office. The first drawing exhibition in Libya. Panel boy black pregnant pause orange are the only one of the opening of the exhibition.Sent Prince (Idris al-Sanusi) Omar Pasha, to act for him for the opening of the exhibition. But one of them said to me after the opening of the exhibition: What drives you to this work! .. That was the mentality of the time.No, not camera shop, the exhibition of my paintings .. The men of the English army are buying. Panel five or ten pounds, and bought the Pio Nahum (a Libyan Jew, from war scrap dealers) panel of 120 pounds was a miracle, when my friends were on the coastal and Gaddafi, Nice work in the municipal Otmak .. Salary per ten pounds ..I do not like selling my paintings .. My paintings are my children, I live with them. What sold it still pains me. Take it from me tens of Mr. John Reid (Director of the Office queries the British during the British military administration in Cyrenaica during the forties). My wish is to see those paintings to know how you draw .. And tried to contact his relatives in Scotland, but to no avail.Art should not be a trade .. Above all, a hobby .. However, to be sponsored by .. Europe was in the church thanks to the progress of the arts.In the night, imagine what Sasmh .. I paint in the morning, and my stomach empty, if you do not eat paint. I wake up early with ears dawn for a simple reason. Whole steps away from the house. It has been proved time in my head until I wake up in Europe in about the same time .. Vtora cup of coffee.Drawing, estimates say the disease. Scribble is not without a rest so far. Usually I can not get rid of them. And is fun. But I draw certain hours. Are times, sometimes a month or two without the paint.I love music .. I wished I learned to play, but the music was defective. Draw up to date on soft music. "Abeida artist Awad was slammed door of his room and spend long times listening to the music cut his, and paints. And his mother, God rest her soul she thought that her son had been kidnapped pounds, which he called because SEEKS sheikhs and scholars to write his amulets.Professed artist Obeida hobby of photography, and the owner of a photo Omar Mukhtar Street, this shop has been robbed in the early fifties, where the stolen cameras and processing equipment, films, etc. .. The actor has delivered some of the equipment is useful to him in the area near the police station and club challenge. When police told him to find her, he said that his loss was great, particularly in films that contain photographs taken and not the equipment, which made him give up this profession.We have re-creative artist fine "instead of Abeida" the opening of permanent exhibition hosted by the complex club equestrian city of Benghazi, this exhibition is not an exhibit normal provided through the artist of his artistic experience, but is closer to the museum from the exhibition, reflecting the Ouhan artist "instead of his servants," Aspects of Life in the city of Benghazi in the earlier periods of the last century, providing through his paintings manifestations of social and behavioral also recorded me with most of the celebrations and religious occasions, motivator followed Rasth crafts and traditional occupations and industries, local small, as well as the tracking of children in their games, and monitor many of the faces of the city characteristics, which bear the stamp of the country in the "portraits" is a part of this show .. That through this exhibition presents the country's history and reflects her life.

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Hello, Thank you for this interesting article. I am currently researching this artist and especially a work by him executed in 1946. I was wondering if we could be in touch . Thank you Karine
