السبت، 7 يونيو 2014

dr.a.omar abu bakr

Professor and S. Elmer Bear Chair

Wood Memorial Building
521 North 11th Street
Box 980566
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0566
Phone: (804) 828-3584
Fax: (804) 828-0056
Email: abubaker@vcu.edu

  • D.M.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1990
  • Certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Presbyterian University Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1990
  • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1984
Board certification
  • American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • National Dental Board of Anesthesiology
  • Dentoalveolar Surgery including extraction of teeth and wisdom teeth and dental Implants
  • Orthognathic Surgery
  • Facial Trauma
  • Mangemnt of pathologic conditions of the jaws and face
  • Reconstruction (bony and soft tissue) of the jaws and face
Research interests
Clinical and basic research of congenital and developmental and traumatic diseases of the orofacial regions.
Educational research and research on health care cost associated with oral and maxillofacial diseases

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